Types of Concussions:

Understanding the symptoms associated with different parts of the brain

Here we discuss the lobes of the brain, it’s specific function and the symptoms we see when affected by post-concussion syndrome. Many people have symptoms associated with more than one brain region.

Controls the emotional brain.

With post-concussion symptoms a person may experience:

  • May appear to not care
  • Might “give up”
  • Be Angry, Compulsive, Cry
  • Executive Functions – meaning they cant explain what’s happening to them
  • Zone Out

Tells us information about our own body and where it is in space.

With post-concussion symptoms a person may experience:

  • Difficulty explaining the odd feelings they have in their body.
  • Spatially disoriented world; often times bumps into things.
  • Their world feels out of balance.

Associates with emotions, imagination, memory and smell.

With post-concussion symptoms, a person may experience:

  • Changes in short or long term memory
  • Changes in emotion
  • Difficulty processing conversations
  • Hallucinations (they may smell, taste, see or feel things that aren’t there)

Often times the person suffering from these symptoms is afraid to share what they are going through. They are afraid people will think they are crazy.

Visual processing center.

With post-concussion symptoms, a person may experience:

  • Visual disturbances
  • Double vision / Blurred Vision
  • Loss of vision
  • Bothered by flashing lights
  • Loss of visual processing (sees objects but don’t know what they are any more)

*Doctors will check the eyes and say “everything is fine.” But the patients symptoms are coming from the visual processing center. So the visual disturbances are brain based, not an eye problem.

Sends dopamine to the whole brain and makes you happy. It also filters light and sound

With post-concussion symptoms, a person may experience:

  • Tremors / Muscle Spasms
  • Light & Sound sensitivity
  • Become Impulsive
  • Hypervigilant / Controlling
  • Snappy / Violent
  • OCD
  • Anxious
  • Emotional Outbursts

Sends dopamine to the whole brain and makes you happy. It also filters light and sound.

With post-concussion symptoms, a person may experience:

  • Tremors / Muscle Spasms
  • Light & Sound sensitivity
  • Become Impulsive
  • Hypervigilant / Controlling
  • Snappy / Violent
  • OCD
  • Anxious
  • Emotional Outbursts

Controls heart rate & blood pressure, anxiety center and nausea center.

With post-concussion symptoms, a person may experience:

  • Light Headed
  • Heart Racing
  • Sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Drop Attacks (heart rate goes very low)
  • Digestive Issues

Most people with concussions have already seen several specialists.

They’ve done the MRI’s, taken the prescribed medications and rested. They have done the concussion protocols and rehab therapies.
So Why Do The Symptoms Remain or More Commonly Get Worse?

Because every person with a brain injury is unique and requires an individualized treatment plan.


  • VNG – Diagnostic tool that gives insight into the brain & inner ear.
  • Evaluation – Muscle, tendon, ligament, joint, fascia, nerve & organs
  • CAPs Test – Helps to identify different balance disorders.


We provide neurological treatments utilizing a brain-based model of chiropractic care. Our Healthy Brain Now™️ treatment is customized based on your specific needs and exam findings.

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What Our Clients Say


To many this picture captures our planet’s natural beauty. I agree, but to me this picture brings to mind joy, hope, and happiness.

Two years after my daughter played what would be her last soccer game, we brought her to Dr. Ellis out of desperation. We had gone to many specialists and no treatment was making a dent in the pain my daughter felt every day after sustaining her second concussion. Her smile, the light in her eyes, and her adventurous soul was slipping away.

The days at Georgia Chiropractic Neurology Center weren’t easy, but Dr. Ellis and his staff developed a customized treatment plan that gently pushed her brain to begin to heal. She is still healing but, as you can see, living her life to the fullest.

So, this picture – of her in Iceland, backpacking through Europe – represents much more to me than the combined beauty of the rainbow and waterfall. The fact that my brave daughter is standing there – in a far off land soaking it all in is, to me, the most breathtakingly beautiful thing of all.